Danny's Deaf World Educational Resource's International School's for the deaf K-12

Bjørkåsen Upper Secondary School for the Deaf (ages 16 - 20) - Norway

Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf, Milton, Ontario Canada

Keltson Boys High School Deaf Unit in Auckland, New Zealand

Kobe School for the Deaf, Kobe, Japan

Lycee de Arenes, Toulouse, France

Mary Hare Grammar School for the Deaf

Mosman Park School for the Deaf

Newfoundland School for the Deaf

Northern Counties School for the Deaf

Ohta School for the Deaf, Japan

Osaka City School for the Deaf

Philippine Institute for the Deaf

Provincial School for the Deaf, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Robarts School for the Deaf, London, Ontairo, Cananda

Singapore School for the Deaf

Sweden - Alviksskolan i Stockholm

Sweden - Riksgymnasiet för döva hörselskadade och språkstörda elever på Tullängsskolan i Örebro

Vancouver Oral Centre

Victorian College for the Deaf, Melbourne, Australia 

Vocational School for the Handicapped (Singapore)

Yorkshire Residential School for the Deaf, England


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